Jupiter transiting sextile natal Venus

Jupiter transiting sextile natal Venus

When transiting Jupiter makes positive aspects to our natal Venus (planets both linked, even if in a different way, to the "principle of pleasure"), our ability to enjoy life, to amuse ourselves and feel positive sentiments, increases dramatically! We are in a good mood and we manage to convey it to others, thanks to our polite, frank and generous manners. With Jupiter trine Venus especially, we can show a character change in favour of a greater openness and confidence towards life: we are available to others and able to help those around us, to participate in social evenings telling jokes confidently and raising the morale of others, mixing philosophic discussions with back-slapping ... but also with an honest feeling of team spirit. In this period everything is a little too simplistic, the level of which depends on our own "self-indulgent" laziness; we prefer having an immediate reward instead of building for a lasting result. For the same reason, any love affairs that form in this period are often simple flirts, even if hot and enjoyable, which leave a good taste, of a beautiful and joyful experience. The sextile aspects present similar characteristics, even if less evident; in certain cases, considering their relatively short duration (a couple of weeks or a little more) they pass by unnoticed. In any case, the period will be suitable for fun excursions, for your social life, for friendships, for amusement. Whatever you do, pay some attention to your diet or unnecessary purchases...